Monday, September 13, 2010

duuude, its the waaaave....

I'll let you all in on a little VW driver's secret.... if you are driving past a Kombi or a Beetle, when you pass another you show respect with a little wave, a peace signal and/or a head nod. Its just the done thing! and it certainly does put a big smile on your face knowing that you are part of this little community that knows exactly what it means to own and drive these amazing cars. But as usual, im getting cranky! people are not upholding their end of the deal- at least not for beetle drivers; you've bought a VW, should know what you've entered into! i must admit that on occasion i haven't seen a bug or two, or the waves have come to late to reciprocate, but i do think its a responsibility i have as Melvins owner =P Thankfully the Kombi-Wave seems to be still alive and well! Its even better when a Kombi driver salutes me as a beetle driver because, like me, more than likely they dont own just one! It might sound silly, but i think its really important to keep even small and seemingly silly traditions alive. Its no easy feat owning a VW, but it is so so worth it, and no one else quite understands the passion (and frustration) and real emotion that goes into these inanimate chunks of metal like another VW owner, and it makes you feel like youre part of something bigger! There's nothing better than a Kombi Convoy or a Kombi club meeting where others speak the same language! Its always hard driving past a VW when in a different (I shouldnt say boring) car and not waving haha- which is why my indecision about whether i can actually part with my Melvin in exchange for a more reliable (boring) car has been so hard, but that's another post. I love Volkswagens, and the community that go with them!

I found this online on another blog that i thought really explains the wave:

"My eldest sister once owned an EH Holden (classic old Australian car) and a Kombi van and driving these cars required the two-fingered wave. When driving the Kombi/EH and passing another Kombi/EH owner, index and middle finger were raised from the steering wheel, acknowledging each other's coolness factor or sympathy depending on repairs and rust said car had. The slightest head nod was also thrown in, very discreet and completely hilarious."

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