Monday, August 16, 2010

Henna Party!

So ive finally found someone as cool as me! haha. My friend recently came back from a year of traveling and we have since reconnected and spent many nights sitting by candle light drinking lots of tea (we wont mention the copious amounts of chocolate consumed) and have been able to talk for a ridiculous amount of hours about pretty much anything that comes into our head- mostly about sustainable living, dreams of living simply, travel, the perils of this life stage and struggling between the expectation that we grow up, and the discontent with the possibility of turning into 'suit-people'... but also lots about better forms of menstruation devices than the commercial pads and tampons on the market that are both terrible for the environment and our bodies, and ridiculously expensive; and lately lots about henna! These have been some of the most fun nights ive had in ages, and along with the amazing fun im having with my new found uni friends (which which we spend hours giggling about all thing birth- and everything that goes with it) im sure ThePartner is getting a little jealous, but there is something very organic when girls/women get together and just 'get it!' So with this new found confidence of knowing that there is someone on my level who can validate my crazy ideas because she has them equally we have been trying out Menstrual cups and cloth pads which we just love now (but both partners are sick of hearing about), she made me one mean  pot of Gluhwein (mulled wine tea) as we shared travel stories, and we've had a great time trying out new shades of henna, particularly because DaisyLady was a Henna-virgin!

Whats great is that my DaisyLady friend has a similar background to me, both in a family sense and study wise so we are often extremely on the same level as each other, but what has really freaked me out is after a couple of months of spending so much time together, and both our partners telling us we were going to get sick of each other (which for the record we havent!) our periods have started to sync! hahahaha! ive heard the myth that can happen sometimes when you live with someone, but really didnt belive it could happen. So to my unintentional 'Moon Sister', looking forward to lots more crazy fun and D&Ms over a block (or five) of fair trade dark chocolate (once our assignments are done of course hehe)!

So back to my henna story, I have of course never put henna on anyone else's hair, and have equally never tried a different shade of red that my DaisyLady friend wanted so we had a great time experimenting with beetroot juice, red wine, chamomile tea, and bergamot and patchouli oils.DaisyLady got a great deep red tone with a hint of a more purple red particularly at the top, while mine came out just a smidge lighter than it normally does. Next though we are going to try a new brand from the internet that neither of us have tried before that is a more blue shade of red that is still natural but has some Indigo mixed in- will keep you posted.

Best Salon in the World!

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